Thursday, February 28, 2008

Metronome! from Katrina Marie on Vimeo.

This is video of Savannah that I took while we were out shopping for Jerry's new guitar. She was playing around with the keyboards and inadvertently started the metronome. She calls it a "choo-choo clock" (obviously, coo-coo clock) and when I tell her the real name, she repeats it back flawlessly. Man, I love this kid!

Monday, February 25, 2008

After I finished making dinner, I called into the playroom to let Jerry know dinner was ready. I hear him say, "Ok." The next thing I hear is the stompity-stomp of Savannah running into the kitchen and "Stetti! Stetti! Stetti! YAY STETTI!" I guess she was excited about the fact that we were having spaghetti for dinner. :-D

The funny thing is, I do not make spaghetti all that often. But, she obviously loves it when I do. Point taken kid, point taken. I do believe this is the only meal she's ever asked for seconds.

Her Daddy is currently washing off the remnants of dinner and she's enjoying bath time. They are playing "I Spy" too, which Jerry started playing with her before dinner (to keep her occupied until I got dinner to the table because she wanted "stetti NOW") and was caught off guard when she knew exactly what he was doing and pointed out all the right things.

This kid is so much fun. I can't wait to have TWO of them in the house. We are going to have so much fun. YAY FAMILY!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Easy Child

Savannah continues to self potty train. I don't know how we got so lucky. She just tells us when she needs to go sometimes, and it's on her own from there! Tonight as I was getting her ready for bed, she told me she needed to use the potty. I got her on there and she waved bye bye at me and I took the hint. The next thing I know, I hear her saying, "I did it!" I came in to find her beaming with pride, as she had completed the task at hand. She gave me a high five and then moved her stool in front of the sink and asked to wash her hands.

If everything is coming this easy, I wonder what the next little girl will be like. Vanessa and I are complete opposites in some areas, but very similar in others. I'm hoping these two little girls are similar in their ease of learning new things! Savannah took right to sleeping in her own bed AND room after co-sleeping with us for two years. She started going pee pee in the potty all on her own. Same with the other function. I just can't get over how simple things are with her!

She's making friends at church. Her best friend at church is our music minister's daughter, who is only a couple months older than her. Today, they sat together at the lunch table and giggled and ate and had a good time. I love seeing her making friends so easy, especially after not being around other kids for a good bit of her first year. She's very social and I love it!

She makes me a proud mommy. :)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

New Toys, Fun For the Family

My new laptop arrived yesterday, and as Savannah said, it's "pretty". I love it, and I'm glad to have it, as it means I don't have to hole myself up in the office to do something on a computer.

And thanks to the integrated webcam, it means pictures! Savannah was helping me check out the new toy (and having me play some games on the Noggin website for good measure), so I decided to snap some pictures.

Savannah making her "funny face" that she learned from "Yo Gabba Gabba", one of her favorite shows. This kid cracks me up. I didn't even say anything, she just started doing that when she saw her little face on the monitor.

She HAD been waving at the camera, but she was too quick for me to snap a shot, so here's her bored face instead.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Progress - Slow and Steady

Multimedia message
Originally uploaded by circlek71
Savannah has a knack of learning things on her own. One day, she patted the toilet and said, "Pee pee potty?" I sat her up on the seat and she did her business. She smiled and clapped and was ever so proud of herself. Much to our surprise, she kept it up - but only that one function.

So, imagine my surprise when I was giving her a bath and after the water drained, she turned and pointed to the toilet and said, "Poo poo potty?" I sat her up there and draped her towel around her since she was still wet. The picture you see is how she got her privacy. Too funny! She did it again today with Jerry.

Our little girl is growing up!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Who me? A girly girl?!

So, anyone who knew me back in my younger years knows I was most definitely NOT a girly girl. Even when Vanessa was pregnant with Grace, I swore up and down I would not buy that child a stitch of pink. I ABHORRED pink. I thought buying little girls pink things was so cliche and overdone.

Flash forward two years to when I'm pregnant with Savannah. I woke up one morning from a dream and immediately woke up Jerry. "Remember that sky themed, neutral nursery we had planned?" He nodded, blinking and rubbing his weary eyes. "Well, forget it. I'm dreaming about pink nurseries." Mind you, this was BEFORE we knew Savannah was going to be a little girl. Savannah ended up with a lavender nursery, but that's only because there was so much pink in the decorations and we didn't want it to look like a bubble gum factory exploded in there. Jerry also noticed that all the maternity clothes I was buying had pink in them in some form or another. It wasn't intentional! It just happened that way.

Well, now I love pink and I think I've officially become a girly girl. This was made quite obvious by my birthday gift and another recent purchase. I don't know what happened to me, other than the fact that I will soon be the mother of TWO little girls and I love everything about little girls. So it's only fitting that the mother of two little girls will be carrying around the following items: